Cool / Funny / Weird / Interesting stuff on the web

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Inappropriate ad placement

Tempting...but I think I'll pass...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

WTF is this Character? ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉

Can anyone tell me what this is or what language it's from? If you paste this character and begin typing, all of your text is transformed into right-to-left format. Bizarre!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Pico Interface Merges Multitouch and the Physical World

Pico is a computer interface that can move electromagnetic pucks, merging the digital and physical worlds. In this video see how a researcher has used his unique combination of projection, magnets and computing to help visualize problems such as determining the best place to put a group of cellphone towers. Imagine the games you could play with it!

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Funny sign at the mall

Friday, August 17, 2007

Zoomed in Food Art [PICS]

This is pretty creative stuff.

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How are we paying off our subprime mortgages?

From the folks at The Onion:

How low can you go? Boeing 747 puts it to the test

You won't believe how low you can land a Boeing 747 until you see this video!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

[PIC] If they can cure homosexuality they can cure anything

Hilarious Billboard!!

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Images That Changed The World

"Some people might be offended or upset by these images but this isn't my intentions. I just want it to be thought provoking and enlightening, and for people to talk about the past and to never forget, because we need to learn from the past or be doomed repeating it."

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HUGE Spider Hides Behind Clock (pics)

Long ago (in Internet years), someone came home to see four giant spider legs hanging out from the clock on their wall. Naturally, most people would monkey scream, and bounce into the safety of the night like a baby deer. This brave soul, however, grabbed a camera, removed the clock from the wall, and photographed the horror found beneath.

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Happy birthday, walrus! Aww, you shouldn't have. // pic

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will.

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THIS is how you deal with lazy police [PICTURE]

"Going to bed the other night, I noticed people in my shed stealing things. I phoned the police.."

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The Exciting And Bizarre World of South Korean Protests [Pictures]

A collection of interesting, crazy, and bizarre photos from protests held in South Korea.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Scale model of a hydrogen atom

The page is scaled so that the smallest thing on it, the electron, is one pixel. That makes the proton thousand pixels across, and the distance between them is... yep, fifty million pixels. If your monitor displays 72 pixels to the inch, then that works out to eleven miles - making this possibly the biggest page you've ever seen.

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