Cool / Funny / Weird / Interesting stuff on the web

Google Web

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

FPS + RTS + GPL = crazy multiplayer fun

Ok, it's got a funky title ("Tremulous"), but this open-source game based on the Quake 3 engine does things differently enough to stand out. Build unit spawnpoints and upgrade your weapons while you take care of the dirty work too!

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Water Over A Bridge

Bridge built to route a river over another river. Excellent piece of engineering.

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Windows Vista - Deleting a shortcut is just 'a few clicks away.'...

This is pretty funny. I hope that they fix this.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Making procrastination work - a great life mod!

A Stanford Philosophy professor has developed a method for turning procrastination into productivity. "Structured procrastination is the art of making this bad trait work for you. The key idea is that procrastinating does not mean doing absolutely nothing..."

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New York City in 2016 (with pictures)

NYC's population will grow by one million people in the next decade. This in-depth article shows the ways the city will transform. "Green" buildings, neighborhoods redefined, and some fantastic new architecture. "A new city, built on top of the city we know. In ten years, New York City will be transformed in ways we can only guess at."

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How Big Is Your Console?

For all those size queens out there, here are the dimensions for all current consoles. The 360, PS3, Xbox, PS2, PS2 slim, GameCube, Wii and Mac Mini (?) all put in facetime. Conclusions? The waffle iron isn't that big, and the Wii could fit in a large man's pocket. Hit the jump for the measured machines.

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Slashdot CSS Redesign Winner Announced

After oodles of entries, most of which were featured on digg, the Slashdot redesign winner has been announced.

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We Feel Fine - the Internet has emotion apparently

It searches blogs for emotion words then records the blog entries they're in. Then it turns it into a giant particle structure of clickable color coded emotion. It can be filtered pretty well into region specific, certain emotions, gender and such.

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A Very Economical Personal Organiser! (Free)

The PocketMod is a new way to keep yourself organized. Lets face it, PDAs are too expensive and cumbersome, and organizers are bulky and hard to carry around. Nothing beats a folded up piece of paper. That is until now. With the PocketMod, you can carry around the days notes, keep them organized in any way you wish.

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Video of Biodegradable Plastic Water Bottle Decomposing

A company in Colorado has come up with a water bottle for their spring water that totally biodegrades in about 80 days. It's a type of plastic made from corn.

You can watch the time-elapsed video on their site (just make sure your window is wide enough - the time-elapsed part is on the far right).

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

How to Make a Spider from 5 Crisp Dollar Bills (and Scare Waitresses!)

Once in a while you're likely to have a bad reaction. (I once made one for a tip, and popped it up on the bar. When the girl turned around and saw it, for just that split second, it looked real. She let out a scream, and must have jumped three feet straight into the air. She was slightly arachniphobic. Oops.)

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Warship built out of Twin Towers wreckage

In a city still emerging from the floods of Hurricane Katrina, a ship has begun to rise from the ashes of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

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Websites as graphs: Visualizing the DOM Structure of Websites

A fresh look a the tag structure of websites, in a visual way.

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Amazing New Gadget! The Doggy-Bag!

Hurray! My master�s putting on his coat, getting ready to take me outside! Wait, what�s this? What are you putting on me? Oh god, I can�t breathe. Why am I being lifted off the ground!? You bastard! I will eat your child.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Fire Screen (Video)

LCD and Plasma screens no longer the last word in display tech.
A must see !

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Super Plastic Both Attracts and Repels Water

A new material could be a boon in dry regions with limited access to clean water. A new, practical method for making surfaces with patterns of areas that strongly attract and strongly repel water could lead to a highly efficient method for capturing clean water.

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Free Photos for Your Web Site or Blog

Sick to death of the rotten stick figures that come with PowerPoint? Want to punch up your presentations, your blog, your Web site? Getting ready to shell out money for custom or stock photography? Don't.

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Crazy ass Cyber Cafe! Loaded with xbox 360s and hundreds of gaming rig's

You would think that it would be easy to find a seat with 200 computers, but this author waited 30 minutes for a computer station to open up. Space is scarce, as families and groups of friends routinely come in and reserve banks of machines.

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25 Worst Tech products of all time

25 of the worst tech products ever made. Topping out the list was AOL!!

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Crazy ass Cyber Cafe! Loaded with xbox 360s and hundreds of gaming rig's

You would think that it would be easy to find a seat with 200 computers, but this author waited 30 minutes for a computer station to open up. Space is scarce, as families and groups of friends routinely come in and reserve banks of machines.

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9800 Free Fonts

9800 fonts free to download with a nice preview feature.

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Nintendo Push-Pin Art

This guy got bored at work and made Mario and Samus (form Metroid) out of push-pins. It is pretty spiffy.

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MacBook vent blocked

This is either the most self-explanatory observation or something no-one ever thought of...

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Yahoo, eBay Team Up To Battle Google

Yahoo gets ad placements on eBay, while eBay auctions will appear on Yahoo, and PayPal becomes payment backend for Yahoo online payments.

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The Internet Swarm, you have to view to understand

Swarm shows you what websites people are visiting, right now.
Swarm is a graphical map of hundreds of websites, all connecting to each other. It updates itself every second with where people are going and coming from.

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Cool CSS Hoverbox Menu Technique

Supercharge your navigation menus with this cool CSS. The examples they show kind of suck but the technique is actually worth looking at.

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The Rise of Crowdsourcing

Forget outsourcing. The new source of cheap labor is everyday people using their spare cycles to create content, solve problems, even do R&D.

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Invisibility Cloak 'Five Years Away'

Scientists have taken the first steps towards creating a Harry Potter-style cloak of invisibility. Professor John Pendry, from Imperial College London, said that it may not take long to develop an invisible fabric - assuming there is sufficient research into the technology.

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First screenshots of Nike+iPod Nano interface

Cool Hunting was at the press release and has posted some screen shots of the new Nano interface, plus some pics of Nike's new iPod-centric line of clothing that has extensive cable management built-in.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

No Engines! A Barrel Roll while Pouring Iced Tea

I\'ve heard rumors about a pilot who demonstrated that you can pour a drink in the cockpit while doing a barrel roll and not spill a drop. Thanks to the magic of YouTube and an email tip, I have finally seen the video.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Twilight Princess Lava Boss Video

This is the reason we play Zelda.

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Javascript Reflection Effect

A small piece of Javascript which allows you to add Apple-like reflections to images on your website. It works in all the major browsers, you can vary the height and opacity of the reflections and you can script it so the reflection responds to user action. There are also vBulletin and Wordpress plugins.

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Scientists say they have cleared technical hurdle in fusion research

Physicists working in the United States believe they have cracked an important problem facing man-made nuclear fusion, touted as the cheap, safe, clean and almost limitless energy source of the future.

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Manhattan Apple Store Fullscreen QTVR

Jook Leung famous VR photographer from New York was at the opening of the new Apple store. A new landmark in New York

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Yo, Taxi! - Hail a taxi with this LED jacket

"Yo,Taxi! coat with a persistence of vision display, shown through a row of LEDs on the cuff of the coat. When the wearer waves his/her hand in the taxi-hailing gesture, the LEDs illuminate."

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The Top 25 X-Men

With literally hundreds to choose from, we sorted through the many mutants who have been part of an X-team over the past 40+ years. We looked into alternate futures, brief allegiances and long-standing members. These are the top 25 X-Men, the complete list.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Pro-Carbon-Dioxide Ad Sponsored by Exxon. [It's real, not a joke]

"The Competitive Enterprise Institute has produced two 60-second television spots focusing on the alleged global warming crisis and the calls by some environmental groups and politicians for reduced energy use. The ads are airing in 14 U.S. cities from May 18 to May 28, 2006."

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Google finally puts Australia on the map

Google has launched street-level maps on Google Maps for major Australian and New Zealand cities - finally.

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How-To access your PC from school or work with a thumb drive

A how-to that shows how to use a remote access program called UltraVNC and a USB thumb drive to bypass school and work PC restrictions. Also includes a pre-made portable app. setup for your thumb drive.

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NEW Nintendo Wii Game: Wii Hide, you Seek.

Massivly Multiplayer Online Hide and Go Seek!!! SWEET!!! Details inside.

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Stealthier Firefox Extension (aka. pr0n mode)

Firefox extension Stealthier lets you browse the web without leaving a trace of your browsing session on your computer.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Massively Multi-player Online Virtual Nightclub (MMOVN)

Don't want to go out and spend your hard earned money on something that's just going to make you feel like crap the next day? Well here is they answer a virtual nightclub to hang out in.

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Monday, May 15, 2006

The story of Open Source as a Fairy Tale of the Fruit Tree

GREAT explanation of the open source movement. Compares software to a fruit tree. Explains the motivation and process of open source projects on a level that even a child could understand. Parts 2 and 3 get into the different lisences. (Translated from Japanese, so some grammar may be off.) I love the graphics!

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Amazing photos of the Japanese storm water system!

Large gallery of incredible photos of the Japanese storm water drainage system. The look like something straight out of Myst or an FPS.

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Honest Tips for those Switching to Macs

"There are already scores of religious fanboy zealots who are going to tell you - in great detail - how great the Mac is, and why you should switch. I'm not going to. But beware. Just because the Mac is an excellent computer, that doesn't mean it's panacea. Here are some things you're going to want to pay attention to as you switch."

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2005 PS3 vs 2006 PS3 (Pictures)

SCEA official images of the 2005 PS3 and the 2006 PS3. It's changed quite a bit since last E3.

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Water Fuel - HHO Gas

We don't need oil or gas. Water fuel is a reality. 100 miles with 8 ounces!

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Blogging for Dollars

This is a great article on getting the most out of your AdSense program. Very good article.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Yet another E3 Amateur Shots

Can't get enough E3? Check out yet another E3 amateur shots.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Battlefield 2142 'Titan' Mode Trailer

The latest Battlefield 2142 Trailer from EA showing off the all new "Titan" mode.

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The billion-dollar space pen

The article is about the true history of the fisher space pen. The article disposes the old myth that NASA spent one billion on the space pen, while the Russians just took a pencil to space.

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Put a live Digg button on your website

Here's a javascript trick you can use to put a live working Digg button on your website that actually lets people digg without leaving your page.

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Write anything you want on a LED SIGN

One day, Ian was given a LED sign. From January 2000 to May 2000, Ian and his friend Dave reverse-engineered the sign and put it on the Web. This sign allows you to write text and upload small images and get it displayed on the net through a web cam. Similar to the HP Laser Jet cam featured on digg before.

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Great little site, saves you typing separate queries in all se's. Shows ranking in other sites as well

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New SPORE footage.

Another recent footage of what might be the best game ever.

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Hard to Find 800 Numbers

Revealed! 800 numbers for PayPay,, eBay, etc.

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Top 25 Unanswered Science Questions

Wanna win a noble prize, all you have to do is answer one of these questions correctly (if thats even possible :)

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Watch 70 legal TV stations for free

Here is a collection of 70 free legal channels that you can watch from your browser. Includes Game Network, Tv Cartoons, Horror Channel, Comedy Channel, Sci-Fi Channel, Lifestyle Network, 8 Adult channels and a lot more.

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

'World's oldest person' turns 128

According to national records, Hernandez was born on May 3, 1878, in one of the country�s central provinces, where she gave birth to 13 children. She now has 60 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.

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Massive multiplayer mosaic

A web page where all the connected users try to make a big mosaic simultaneously.

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Incredible Fluid Motion Experiment

Using high-power, rotating magnetic fields and magnetically sensitive ferrofluids, physicists have created amazing, dancing fluids. A beautiful fusion of art and science.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

The Best Way to Search Flickr

With this website, you can view Flickr photos in an aesthetic environment. Beautifully done!

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