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Cool / Funny / Weird / Interesting stuff on the web
This. Is. Sooo awesome!
Later today at, Google will unveil their April Fool�s site. A Googler who wants to remain anonymous sent me these screenshots showing Larry Page�s room
This guy loved his wife so much he decided to make a body cast of her torso and turn it into a mod he calls "The Blair Witch Mod". I guess he wasn't happy with just real-sex and had to go for cyber-sex too. Who says marriage is dead?
Uncover and learn the truth about E3 Booth Babes straight from one! AMN's newest editor tells her story...
Keyboards come in many shapes - from the simplest computer grey $9.99 standard 102-key keyboard to variants that seem to come straight out of a Star Trek episode. Here�s a top 10 list of some really cool keyboards.
A well-written dose of pessimism from someone who writes frequently about web matters: "I think it's really important to occasionally step out of our own bubble and assess whether or not all this 'stuff' is really breaking out of our world and into the rest of the world. Ironically, the most un-Web 2.0 platform of all, Myspace, defies all logic."
Analysis of all 3.5GB of the .COM TLD zone file. Interesting and quite informative!
In their search for patterns, mathematicians have uncovered unlikely connections between prime numbers and quantum physics. Will the subatomic world help reveal the elusive nature of the primes?
Facebook has turned down an offer for $750 million and is looking for 2 billion dollars. This coming from a company started by a Sophmore in college 2 years ago...
These guys reviewed over 700 web 2.0 websites and then categorized 300 of them with rewards and so on. There are also great interviews with big names such as Craig Newmark from Craig's List.
Microsoft Connect, home of Microsoft's betas including Vista has some interesting CSS values. The first line in the .css is commented "fix for the IE 1px-off margin error", followed by a value called ".StupidIEMarginHack ".
Dan Rather has been one of the few journalists cleared to into North Korea, while he was there he got these incredible, yet creepy images of the North Korean 'war games'... this is a just a very quick clip from the 60 minutes segment, but a link to the full documentary is provided within
Instead of... "Experience working in fast-paced environment"
64-year old Thai Ngoc had a fever in 1973, and after that he never went to sleep again, not even for a quick nap. He even had a medical examination, but doctors gave him a clean bill of health.
Forget everything you think you know about China and take a couple minutes to ponder these images. Few people in the Western world know about the hidden beauty of China. Well..... of course it helps to have an ace photographer who can capture this land of enchantment as no other has. But these are some truly inspiring photos.
This is a flash back to the early days, when this sort of design would have been THE SITE.
This is what I got today in my mail:
Dear Yahoo! Plus Subscriber,
We're writing to let you know that the Yahoo! Plus service will be
discontinued as of 11:59 p.m. PST on April 22, 2006. At that time, the premium benefits associated with your Yahoo! Plus membership will end, but you may continue using your Yahoo! Plus ID and password to sign in to Yahoo! and access your personal data (such as your email, photos, My Yahoo! content, etc.).
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions to better understand how this may affect the specific Yahoo! Plus services you use (such as anti-virus software, high-resolution photo downloads, etc.). If you require further assistance, please fill out this form, and a dedicated specialist will respond.
If you wish to receive the entire package of benefits you've enjoyed as a Yahoo! Plus customer, you can subscribe to one of Yahoo!'s high-speed Internet services offered in partnership with AT&T or Verizon. Learn more. We recommend you print and retain this notice, for easy reference when your service is discontinued on April 22. We appreciate your business and apologize for the inconvenience.
The Yahoo! Plus Team
Tom Vandetta found an article that explained how to fool Google's news system by writing fake press releases. He then decided to see what would happen if he submitted a fake Google press release claiming the 15-year old New Jersey student was Google's youngest employee.
Here is very cool firefox extension that will record and playback actions in a browser. It will also generate your script in Ruby code. The example gives you a scripts to automate eBay feedback.
Check out this video, it shows an interface where in realtime 3D animated objects on a screen interact with the users.
Like the Segway, Bombardier's Embrio concept--a prototype that may or may not make production--uses gyroscope technology to balance riders but adds a dash of flair absent in the Segway, which we as car nuts find slightly nerdy.
Microsoft this week revealed that it will finally kill off its once-reviled Passport system, which is uses for universal Web logon. And we all breathe a sigh of relief.
Visualizing a lot of data on tiny displays. There's a video showing how it works and a Flash prototype or an OSX application to try it out. Looking good!
Honda show a new version of ASIMO the humanoid robot at Welcome Plaza Aoyama. It runs smoothly and quickly.
All for free, this site has some excellent DHTML and AJAX code you can download. Under Drag and Drop it even has the basics of an AJAX homepage!
Google have built a reputation system that allows buyers to rate sellers and leave comments. It is not yet known if Google will use the ratings with other Google services, but this news further confirms that Google are taking aim at eBay and the classifieds market and want to facilitate transactions.
Thanks to this simple web tool which allows you to save video files from 40 sites to your computer.
The academic paper about the red rain phenomenon has several pictures of the cells. I have cut-n-pasted the photos from the PDF and put them up for easy viewing. Pretty amazing pictures!
Google has just launched a new service called "Google Mars" that lets you browse the martian land just as you would with Google Maps.
These are amazing new screenshots from the new Office 2007 UI. Finally Microsoft is making a beautiful product.
Real-life human "The Simpsons". Pretty well done! This is not gonna be a full-fledged series though from what I heard. It's made to promote the upcoming animated seasons.
Well most of you have probably used a key generator or keygen as it is commonly called in internet slang. A keygen is a small program that will generate a key or serial/registration number for a piece of software. Here is a comprehensive guide, strictly for educational purposes, that shows you how a keygen is created
Some strange and interesting google links, most of which I've never seen before...
Cool features showing the new spectacular buildings of Dubai. Including an underground hotel 66 feet under the sea.
Click the link to see yet another flash animation of mystery behind Microsoft's "ProjectOrigami"
Thanks to the magic of the internet, you can now lend money or request money in the form of a loan. You set the interest rate, you take the benefits. Is this the next e-bay?